
5G is Here. Are You Ready?

Consumer electronics, especially cell phones, are a normal part of our daily lives. Most people depend on their cell phone, tablets, laptops and more to manage their work and personal lives. We use these devices to stay connected to our family and friends, now more than ever before. And graphene can give those devices a longer, safer battery life, to keep you connected to what matters most to you.


Have you ever noticed that your electronics tend to heat up with extended use? For example, if you’re talking on your phone long enough, your phone will start to get hot. That’s the battery inside your device working hard. 5G technology will put even more of a strain on your devices since it will enable you to run larger applications with faster speeds. Your poor device battery will overheat fast.

Graphene can eliminate that issue. A thin layer of graphene incorporated into your device’s battery will keep the battery cool. And that will keep your device safe. Take a look at this video we filmed using our graphene-enabled solutions for device batteries. In this video, we put an everyday nail through a lithium-ion battery, typically used in cell phones. The battery quickly ignites. Then we show the same nail penetrating a lithium-ion battery that includes a layer of our FireShield™ electrolyte technology, which does not ignite the battery. FireShield makes the battery safe.

Our graphene-enabled battery solutions also work to extend the battery life of your devices, and allow them to quickly recharge. Goodbye waiting around for your cell phone to recharge! Quick recharge times mean less electricity is used to charge your devices, helping the environment. Our solutions make your devices more user friendly, and so much safer.

Let’s talk about our graphene-enabled battery solutions and how we can improve consumer electronics.

Graphene Gets You Airborne Faster

Have you ever flown in the middle of winter? If you live in or have traveled to areas where snow and ice are the norm during the winter months, you’ve probably spent some time sitting in your seat on an airplane, waiting possibly hours for the plane to be de-iced and ready to take flight. It’s a pain for you, the traveler, and a major pain for the airlines, as it keeps planes on the ground longer and uses chemicals to defrost the plane.


Global Graphene Group is headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, the birthplace of aviation. The Wright Brothers built their first airplane and tested it in Dayton. We’re very proud of our aviation heritage. And graphene can have a positive impact on the aerospace industry and the environment. At G3, our team of experts have created thermal films with graphene that can sustainably de-ice airplane windows and wings. Currently, airlines use harsh chemicals and hardware that can go haywire to de-ice. It can take up to an hour and a half to de-ice a typical 747. More extensive snow and ice may involve a truck to spray the plane down with chemicals, which costs more and takes longer. But by adding a thin layer of our graphene-infused thermal film to an airplane’s windows and wings, planes can leverage graphene’s inherent electric conductivity to heat up the windows and wings of the plane. Airplanes will be able to take off in no time, and passengers will be getting where they need to go sooner.

Our thermal film, when added to airplanes, removes the need for chemicals to be used to de-ice the plane. The film keeps those chemicals from running off into our water streams, negatively impacting the environment. Our thermal film also lowers the cost of maintenance on planes by eliminating the hardware needed to manage the chemicals they currently use to de-ice. Airlines are able to de-ice their planes quickly, dramatically decreasing the downtime they currently use.

Give us a call at 937-331-9884 or email ([email protected]) and let’s talk about how graphene can help the aerospace industry be more of a steward to the environment.

Challenge: Build a Structure Using Half the Material.


Have you ever been asked to do more with less? It seems like we’re asked to do more and more with fewer and fewer resources. Use less money, less time, less materials. It’s a difficult task to achieve, especially when thinking in terms of how your actions impact the environment.

When we look at the biggest offenders to the environment in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, concrete is towards the top of the list. Everything from creating the concrete, transporting it and the amount needed to build a structure – it’s all a LOT!  Concrete is second only to water as the most-consumer resource on Earth. Concrete is the source of about 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions.

We can’t get away from using concrete. It’s an affordable building material that delivers structural strength and durability. Most buildings are made from it. What we CAN do to help lessen concrete’s environmental impact is make it more responsibly.

Not to mention the regulatory aspect of using concrete… According to this Forbes article, “Under a business-as-usual scenario, the cement company could expect to emit 120 units of GHGs. In the long-term, the goal is for the manufacturer to find ways of producing cement without emitting as many GHGs; to meet its regulatory burden in the short-term, it will need to buy carbon offsets to bring its emissions down to its mandate of 100 units.”  Companies need ways to decrease the amount of carbon emissions used in their buildings to earn carbon credits.

Enter graphene.

Adding a small amount of graphene into concrete allows for a 33%+ reduction of material needed for the same load bearing structure. This reduces the amount of CO2 during formation and all the associated transportation. The installation and curing times required are shortened, significantly reducing CO2. Installation and logistics costs are decreased.

Graphene-infused concrete lowers the amount of concrete needed while making the building stronger and more durable. This gives companies more carbon credits for using less material in their structure. Graphene-infused concrete is four times more water resistant and twice as strong as concrete alone.

Reinforce graphene concrete is more environmentally friendly and sustainable. It lowers the amount of maintenance needed on the structure in the long-term, ultimately saving money. It’s a win-win for the company and the environment.

Want more information on our graphene-infused concrete solutions? Contact us at [email protected].

EV Adoption is Sooner than You Think


Years ago, Hanna-Barbera would have us think that we’d be living in 2020 driving flying cars. George Jetson zipped off to Spacely Sprockets for work in his flying car and made the idea of crazy advanced transportation being accessible to everyday people seem possible. All these years later, we’re still driving our gas guzzlers, but there are electric vehicles on the roads today. (Yes, we don’t have flying cars, yet…)

Electric vehicles are still in their early stages of adoption, especially in the US. 2019 EV sales in the US totaled 330,000. However, US EV sales account for only 2.2% market share. There is still major room for growth in the automotive sector for electric vehicles.

There are several factors for why EV’s have been slow to take off:

  • EV’s are expensive.
  • EV battery’s take long to recharge.
  • EV battery’s pose safety risks, with many accounts of EV’s catching fire.

Our Global Graphene Group headquarters of Dayton, Ohio, USA, is a Midwestern city known for its extraordinary innovation history. (Everyone has heard of the founders of flight, the Wright Brothers, right?) We have a population of around 800,000 in the metro area. We are situated along several large interstate highways, with gas stations always nearby. There are 82 charging stations in a 15 km radius of Dayton. That’s a far cry from the hundreds of traditional gas stations dotted around the region. Seventy-nine percent of the EV charging stations are free to use. Most charging stations have one or two available slots, meaning you may be forced to wait your turn to charge up your car. We’re used to quickly fueling up and going on our way. Who has time to wait 30 or more minutes to recharge their car?

Electric vehicles are the future and graphene helps that future become a reality now. Global Graphene Group’s experts have developed and tested graphene-enabled battery technology that is proven to allow EVs to:

  • Run for 1 million miles without replacing the battery
  • Drive for more than 500 miles on a single charge
  • Cost 40% less than current EV batteries
  • Recharge in 2-6 minutes
  • Be 100% safe from flammability problems

With G3’s innovative battery solutions, EVs will become less expensive. Consumers will trust that their electric vehicle won’t catch fire in their garage while recharging. Longer road trips will be possible without the need to find an out of the way charging station as your EV will able to go further on a single charge. Suddenly, an electric vehicle becomes transportation that people can easily fit into their lifestyle. And that’s when EVs will be more adopted and explode in popularity. Graphene is the key to making electric vehicles safer, cost-effective and more sustainable.

Want more information on our graphene-enabled battery solutions? Contact us at [email protected].

Now More Than Ever, We’re In This Together.

It feels as if we are all part of one world now more than ever. Everyone on our planet has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to some extent. We have seen areas of our world that had years of air and water pollution clear up as people sheltered at home and subsequently lowered their carbon footprints.

As we celebrate Earth Day 2020, the Global Graphene Group team is dedicated to making sure we’re leaving this planet in a better place. Our manufacturing and research facilities in Dayton, Ohio, Taiwan and China are dedicated to responsible recycling and handling of our chemical waste. In Dayton, we partner with Resource One. The G3 Environmental, Health and Safety Committee (EHS) meets weekly to discuss open issues, policies and more. We’re committed to responsible manufacturing methods and ensuring we’re protecting our local environments. Read more about our Sustainability policy here.

The G3 team at our headquarters in Dayton, Ohio, is continuing to shelter in place per the State of Ohio’s order, and most other states across the US are also asking citizens to stay at home with non-essential businesses closed. We’re are working from home and doing everything possible to keep working with business as usual. We anticipate to return to the office on Monday, May 4, and plan to take precautions for our employees and visitors:

  • We will wear masks.
  • We will take everyone’s temperature when they arrive at the office.
  • We will continue to use teleconferencing and limit in-person meetings.
  • We will continue to step up our cleaning methods and keep social distancing practices.

We’re seeing an impact from our actions in keeping vigilant to protect ourselves against COVID-19. And we look forward to returning to our “new normal,” working to make graphene-enhanced solutions that will help make the world a cleaner, greener place. Happy Earth Day 2020!